

Technical Training & Support Class - Irvine

25 Easy & Effective Real Estate Marketing Feature; Q & A Time 1 hour; Speaker: Eric Ye; We can answer any questions about technology; Training details should be different between the areas。

Time & Location

Feb 19, 2019, 2:00 PM
Central Escrow Group, 20 Corporate Park #185, Irvine, CA 92606

About the Event

1. How to put your own website/APP on your mobile screen?

2. How to search property? How to search multiple properties by MLS #?

3. How to share Chinese or English version listings to clients?

4. How to view potential users and how to communicate with potential clients?

5. How to make a free VR virtual tour?

6. How to share articles or property on WECHAT moment and Facebook?

7. How to edit customer’s review, Open House information and original articles?

8. How to modify company and personal information?

9. How to edit popular city information?

10. How to create flyer by one click?

11. How to change a website template?

12. How to log in to the website, how to reset the username and password?

13. How to add listings on my website home page at the bottom of each article?

14. How to let customer service choose the content of the article I want to post to my WECHAT public account and other social media?

15. How to change my original typesetting?

16. How can I apply for the WeChat public account? Can someone else apply it for me?

17. How to regularly issue holiday blessings to the clients when Chinese and American holidays are coming?

18. How to forward or update social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, and any other websites in English content?

19. How to share or forward hot news events and real estate industry news?

20. have my own English website, what should I do if I don’t have time to update?

21. l found a good article; can I add some of my own insights as an original article published in the WECHAT public account and social media?

22. How to edit and publish Open house, add image + text + video on one page?

23. How can I update the latest listings in hot cities every day?

24. Can anyone help me with some pictures or flyers?

25. How to effectively use Chat Rays media team 24-hour customer service

Q & A Time

Speaker: Eric Ye

We can answer any questions about technology

Training details should be different between the areas

A training will be held in New York in March 2019

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